Promoting the use of Khmer Riel (KHR) in payment transactions in Cambodia of the National Bank of Cambodia Announcement

 Dear Customers!

In accordance with the National Bank of Cambodia’s guideline dated March 19, 2024 on promoting the use of Khmer Riel (KHR) in payment transactions, Cambodia Post Bank Plc. would like to encourage our customers to use Khmer Riel (KHR) for payment transactions and notify that:

  1. All new customers who open any accounts with foreign currencies (USD & THB), a KHR currency account will automatically be opened.
  2. All existing customers who does not have any KHR currency account are requested to open a KHR currency account either by using our Mobile Banking or by visiting any of CPBank branches during business hours.

We sincerely appreciate your understanding and request your co-operation in this endeavor of promoting Khmer Riel in order to strengthen our national currency for the overall economic development of Cambodia.

We would like to take this opportunity to thank you for Banking with us and your continuous support in our products and services.



根据柬埔寨国家银行 2024 年 3 月 19 日关于推广使用高棉瑞尔 (KHR) 进行支付交易的指南,柬埔寨邮政银行股份有限公司希望鼓励我们的客户使用高棉瑞尔 (KHR) 进行支付交易,并通知:

  1. 所有新客户只要开立任何外币(美元和泰铢)账户,就会自动开立一个 KHR 货币账户。
  2. 所有没有 KHR 货币账户的现有客户,请通过我们的手机银行或在营业时间内访问任何一家 CPBank 分行,开立一个 KHR 货币账户。

