Mr. Kang Channy, 43 years old fish carver done his family business along with his wife Mrs. Douk Vorn beside their farming. Currently, their family lives and works in Kampi Village, Sam Bork Commune, Chitr Borey District, Kratie Province.
As Kratie is a tourist place, they are running fish carvings business since 2011. In addition to tourists, local people also like to collect those as souvenir.
Initially, they have borrowed USD 11,000 in June, 2017 in order to build their house. They borrowed another USD 2,000 during March 2018 to complete their house.
Eventually considering the increasing demand, they have borrowed USD 15,000 in order to buy wood for his carving business in December 2018.
They also want to improve their farming and require a rice harvester for which he also borrowed from CPBank for an amount of USD 11,700 for the fourth time in December 2019.
Easy process and quick service made customer consider the CPBank services for long time. CPBank’s support actually helped them not only to realize their dream of their own home but also enhanced their carving and farming business to great extent. Mr. Channy and his wife said that “They are very happy that CPBank has provided them with the required funds to achieve their goal and also fulfil their family dream with a better life and education for their children.