The more you pay, the more you get profit from CPBank Visa card! Pay with your CPBank Visa to buy construction materials or home decoration materials at Global House via contactless transaction for every $10 in a single sales slip you will get a cash voucher worth $1 immediately. Especially, you have a chance to get up to $10 cash voucher per person per day. This promotion offer is valid from 01 August 2020 until 15 September 2020 or stocks last.
Terms and conditions:
- Tap to pay with Visa for every $10 spent in a single sales slip get cash voucher worth $1 at Global House only.
- Limited to 10 vouchers ($10) redemption per sales slip and limited to 10 vouchers redemption per person per day in case of redemption made with multiple sales slips.
- This promotion is valid for contactless transactions only
- Voucher can be used for the next purchase with Visa contactless payment only.
- The voucher can be used as a discount for a purchase amount that exceeds the voucher value used and the difference thereof must be paid by Visa contactless only.
- Voucher valid till 30 September 2020.
- Voucher cannot be redeemed or exchanged for cash.
- Voucher redemptions are available in limited amounts, on a first come first served basis while stocks last.
- We reserve the right to change, amend the terms and conditions or terminate the promotion without prior notice.