CPBank Opens Chamkar Leu Disrtict Branch

Kampong Cham​ –  CPBank opened its 64nd branch, Chamka Leu District – Svay Teab Commune Branch, located at National Road No 71, Thnal Bake Kaeut Village, Svay Teab Commune, Chamkar Leu District, Kmapong Cham Province on August 23, 2024.

The opening ceremony was participated by Mr. Toch Chaochek, Chief Executive Officer, ​Senior Managements and staff from the Head Office, Kampong Cham Provincial Branch, Cheung Prey District Branch-Soutib Commune, Baray District Branch – Ballangk Commune, management and staff of FUNAN Microfinance Plc and local authorities.


Location of the branch: https://maps.app.goo.gl/4TeLnxZpsV339jkq9​​

Contact number of the branch: 093 500 074